.S MN(7)=N .S N=9 .S D=0 .S F=1 .S P=3-P .L L,YER-PA .C 1,P,0 .B YER-P .S V=P .I MN(16):2 .T S CO(20)=4 .D ._ P .!CLRT .I MN(7):10 .T P "Leaving the monastery, you return to theroad. .E %LOMO .F 3-P .$ P .!HERE !LOOK %LOBR .P "You see a crossroads. Roads go NE, southand west. To the north is a monastery. %LOMO .P "You see a small monastery set .P "partially into the face of a cliff. %N... %..MO %..EN .P "You approach the monastery. .3 ROOM 10.0 .!GOTO %FW.. %R... %L... .P "Please use a compass direction. %W... .I MN(7):8 .T %BK.. .P "You turn west. .3 ROOM 8.0 .S GE(9)=4 .S GE(10)=1 .S MN(16)=0 .!TRAV %NE.. .I MN(7):3 .T %BK.. .P "You turn to the northeast. .S GE(9)=3 .S GE(10)=1 .3 ROOM 3.0 .S MN(16)=0 .!TRAV %S... .I MN(7):15 .T %BK.. .P "You continue south. .3 ROOM 15.0 .S GE(9)=5 .S GE(10)=1 .S MN(16)=0 .!TRAV %BK.. .P "You turn around and trudge back. .I MN(7):10 .T 3 ROOM 10.0 .T !GOTO .I MN(7):8 .T 3 ROOM 8.0 .I MN(7):15 .T 3 ROOM 15.0 .I MN(7):3 .T 3 ROOM 3.0 .S MN(16)=0 .!TRAV @